Welcome Parents
We Make Memories
Plan. Inform. Connect.
Class Parents are the essential link between your child’s classroom and the parental body. Your help build a stronger classroom community.
Find the Class Parent Application here.
Mission of Class Parent Program
Class parents support teachers with parental outreach and classroom activities. They help new members of the OLC community make an easy transition to the school. They encourage cooperation among parents, school, and the PSA.
Class Parents are expected to: .
Meeting with the teacher to identify classroom needs, early in the school year, as well as periodically throughout the year; then communicate needs to the classroom families.
Helping PSA Board communicate important dates and special event details with all the parents in the class.
Volunteer for at least 2 hours at one or more PSA events and recruit other parents to help at school events.
Coordinating class funds, group gifts and purchases.
Assist with in-class activities and field trips - at the discretion of the teacher and not to the exclusion of other interested parents.
Following PSA and school guidelines in connection with the role of Class Parent.